3 – Day Training Class Highlights:

Contractors, are you asking these questions?

  • Why am I totally cut out of major carrier work by the Preferred Vendor Programs of insurance carriers?
  • What can I do to deal with Third Party Administrators (TPA’s) that demand the highest service for the lowest price and cut us out of the marketing loop?
  • Are there any tricks to counter the higher deductibles of 2 and 3% that are now in 27 states, and a policy with a 5% deductible is coming?
  • Agents are discouraging claims from their policyholders because of the CLUE report, how should I help the Agent?
  • Can I overcome Insurance Companies that are buying and own restoration companies? What are the strategies to deal with them?
  • The “national players” are getting a lot of commercial work! How do I get repeat commercial jobs?  Where can I get a pre-disaster plan?

How and where do I target commercial properties within my market? What do I say to those prospects? Will I have resources when I get these

commercial jobs?

Restorers are being impacted by the radical changes taking place in the property claims industry. The net result, without exception, is these restorers are seeing less and less residential work. The ways they used to generate new business are no longer working and their businesses are under assault from a wide variety of competitive forces.  Stop, Drop and Roll (doughnut dropping) isn’t working the way it used to, and agents are less and less willing to refer work to you!


Are you ready to schedule an on-site class? Now is the perfect time to call.

Dick Wagner is ready – call 419-202-6745


By Dick Wagner, Co-Founder The CREST Network, LLC

Nationally recognized coach, consultant, trainer, and speaker

Creator of the renowned PREP™ pre-disaster program