JUST A SNIPE HUNT? Is your wasted time like a “snipe hunt?” Are you “burning daylight” without completing promised or…
Many sales and route marketing people don’t realize that Interpersonal skills are the foundation of success, especially in an industry…
3 minute read I’ve talked with hundreds (really several thousand) contractors over 20-plus years, and as I recall, at one…
3 minute read Written and posted (visual) goals on an office whiteboard help make the whole company aware of where…
New Insurance Claims Trends Mr. Wagner, I sent you a message regarding your marketing class in Jacksonville. Additionally, I was…
Most of your services are intangible! Much of the selling (or attempted selling) done by marketing today in the disaster…
3 minute read Nobody, I mean nobody likes to make cold phone calls. And nobody likes to get cold phone…
3 minute read It’s a great attitude to firmly plant your thoughts, ideas, and values in a solid position without…
IS IT ETHICAL TO WAIVE THE DEDUCTIBLE? This is an example of a recent email I received… (I’ve omitted the…
Fifteen Fairytales of Marketing 1. My company doesn’t need marketing 2. I can’t afford the money to market 3. …