Fifteen Fairytales of Marketing

Fifteen Fairytales of Marketing

1.    My company doesn’t need marketing

2.    I can’t afford the money to market

3.    If I’m really that good, people will find me

4.    Sorry, but marketing doesn’t work in my community

5.    I hate to market, ignoring it is the best approach

6.    I have an ad in the Yellow Pages, that’s all I need

7.    Trucks need graphics, so I will get noticed

8.    My time is limited, and marketing takes too much time

9.    Networking of any kind is a waste of effort

10.  My marketers don’t have much impact

11.  We deliver candy to our clients monthly, that’s enough

12.  Homeowners don’t use Social Media to find contractors

13.  FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube don’t bring any ROI

14.  Businesses would never search vendors using Google

15.  Warm leads can’t be generated from LinkedIn

If this is your style of business,  GOOD LUCK.

Dick Wagner is a National Sales Coach and Commercial Marketing Consultant.  419-202-6745