When You Hire A Consultant

So many times, companies hire simply because their name is well known.

Most professional athletes have a coach or advisor. Most professional athletes do pretty well – some making millions of dollars! Why would you be so arrogant and cocky to think you can run your business or manage your marketing team without consultant or coaching help? That’s really sticking your head in the sand.

Business owners and managers are often so confident that they think they’re smart or skilled enough to achieve their goals without a coach or consultant. Many times, top management decides to hire a coach or consultant, and then their ego comes out loud and clear and they want to “do it their way” even though the consultant they are paying, tells them to do it differently. We have a couple of those business owners we’re working with right now.

It has often struck me as odd or even foolish when a contractor hires a consultant, then proceeds to counter or argue against everything the consultant recommends. If you are one of those owners or managers that believe you can do it better than anyone else – DON’T HIRE A CONSULTANT – at least don’t hire The CREST Network coaches. You are wasting your time, the consultant’s time, and your reputation, and throwing good money away.

I consult for many disaster recovery companies, and I’m usually honored and thrilled at the serious approach my clients take to my direction, ideas, and help. However, once in a while, a contractor will hire me, and then buck and fight against every suggestion or a bit of advice I bring. Unfortunately, the way that’s resolved is to tactfully tell them it’s not a good fit and fire them as clients. I don’t want a negative reputation, and they obviously don’t want my advice. I’ll report here that most of the marketing clients I coach (or have coached) are Top Producers for their companies. They may have started out as minimal revenue generators but turned into million-dollar producers.

You should seriously consider hiring a coach if the following situations apply:

To ensure credibility.

No credibility – No sale! If they don’t trust you, they won’t buy from you. A skilled consultant can help overcome these hurdles and show the right ways to quickly build credibility and trust and build it fast. It is often in “what you say” or “what you should not say!”  There really are “fatal” sales and marketing words and phrases. Especially in 2023.

To ensure objectivity.

Completely new business development ventures can be so very different, specialized, and unique, and require an outside expert to coach the sales staff. Every restoration business, every market, and every vertical are different and need the most current knowledge and approach. A consultant can usually suggest the right method and solution achieve a “win-win-win-win.”  (Yes, 4 ways) Ask me what I mean.

To enhance staff expertise.

Some projects are so new and different that they require special skills that cannot be learned quickly or easily by staff. If you plan to go after Commercial work, you better get professional guidance – otherwise your marketers are going to cost you a lot of money and produce little.

To obtain a variety of skills.

A small to mid-sized company with a limited budget and staff can still hire a consulting firm with access to people with the skills you want and need. Chances are good that you don’t have staff with the multi-talented skills for a unique new project like selling to, and getting commercial clients totally committed to you on a signed agreement. Even more so, management wears many hats and does NOT have the time or focus to help the marketing team. And you can’t afford a full-time marketing manager. This is where the Remote Marketing Manager comes in with The CREST Network to fill that role.

Be sure your consultant has great recommendations. (Check their LinkedIn profile for written public recommendations).  Be careful hiring the “well-known” coaching company just because they have a great internal promo team. Make sure you are hiring someone skilled in the area of expertise that you need.  And yes, even consultants often have consultants because we know we aren’t brilliant at everything!


By Dick Wagner, Co-Founder The CREST Network, LLC

Nationally recognized coach, consultant, trainer, and speaker

Creator of the renowned PREP™ pre-disaster program

Owner of AskDickWagner.com BLOG

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