Throw away your company literature! Have you ever really thought about why you have company brochures, flyers, literature, and even…
Route Marketing Is Dead …is the title of the last article I wrote for R&R mag online. Many of the…
I hope you didn’t make this stupid comment! The highlighted message below (in quotes) was recently posted on a Social…
As the Owner or GM do you go out, call on clients and actually sell? I consult with and…
Third-Party Administrators – (TPA’s) specifically in the disaster restoration industry, MAY BE KILLING YOUR BUSINESS FUTURE! The following is my…
This is a comprehensive overview to get you started. Marketing strategy is an integral part of any business plan that…
4 minute read Every roofing company wants more sales. Hopefully, every roofing sales rep also wants more sales. Technology has…
Marketers Often Ask Poor or Wrong Questions! Anyone in marketing will tell you (if they are honest about it) that…
3 minute read Everyone in the disaster restoration industry understands (I hope) that marketing is quite different than the selling…
5 minute read It seems like almost every restoration contractor I talk to always expresses their strong desire to develop…