Who Are They Going To Call?

3 minute read

Are they calling you – or are they calling your competitor? Is your company ‘top of mind?’ There must be a compelling reason they call you and not your competition!

For years and still today, many marketers ‘think’ they are going to get the call from the agent or plumber, but they are only generating $150k a year in revenue and that’s not enough! We often hear that it’s about ‘great service’ but that’s only AFTER the call comes in. It’s not about the latest tool or machine or gadget that your company has purchased. Everyone claims to offer great service or have the latest Binford 5000 machine but that isn’t enough to justify your business existence.


Nobody brags about average or poor service. No marketer says, “we have mediocre equipment.”  All of the tools, equipment, and processes are important but if are not likable and care about the people you call on – you are in trouble.

Not Price

The lowest price is NOT what gets you the job – at least not for long. Eventually, they (a competitor) will either beat your price or you will go out of business.  It’s surprising those people that are likable and friendly and care about the client don’t have a problem with the price! One contractor looks a lot like other contractors, so you really need to be Different.

Since there is so little differentiation between restoration and roofing companies, it becomes a difficult task to create a clear brand position for your company.  Defining a valid differentiator (or several differences) for your company will have a huge contrast. How you are perceived in the marketplace should be crystal clear and unique from all others, with nobody else making the same claim.  That doesn’t mean anyone could make the claim, but they are far less likely if you dominate that position.

The Squeaky Wheel

In reality, it doesn’t matter whether other companies can make the same claim, but who makes it first and loudest is the one that gets the bragging rights. Building and solidifying a strong brand position isn’t that easy and most contractors need help doing it. Developing a winning brand position involves several key ingredients. I’ve said many times that you must know your client’s issues, pains, challenges, frustrations, and concerns. Without knowing these, you have no way of creating a strong position, and less likely that you will create raving fans.

Shrink or Grow

There isn’t a way for you to stay the same. It’s been proven a million times that if ‘you are standing still – you’re going backward.’

Yes, you must market and promote the business every day but most people that market is simply spinning their wheels – being busy – but not effective! If you aren’t marketing it you won’t grow, (and probably will shrink or go out of business). The sad reality is that failure to properly market your company is like getting promises from clients that never come thru!

It’s Amazing

I know so many marketers that think if they are calling on clients – that’s all it takes. The client is friendly, makes promises, and yet never sends a job. The problem is the marketer is not asking for sales. They are NOT doing things to help the client’s business. They think because the client is polite – and talks to them – that the marketer has a good lead source. Rather than learn what customers consider painful in the business the marketer wants to talk about recipes or the family or the dog.

You really need to find out what scares customers most about calling a company like yours! Know or learn what their pain point is and then address it.

Nobody Cares

I’ve had marketers approach a new client with the question “are you familiar with our company?” or “Do you know what we do? Bottom line: they don’t care! They are not interested in what YOU or your company do. They only care about THEIR company and industry. Learn about their industry and talk with them about it. That’s how you build trust, and credibility and prove to them that you are truly a subject matter expert.

State exactly how you have been recognized by experts (or as experts). What publications have you written, or been featured in? Create a position by declaring yourself to be a specialist, rather than all things to all people. You cannot be ALL Things To All People! Doctors that specialize are the ones that charge the most and make the most money.

The idea of finding a real differentiation between you and your competitors is critical to your survival, and one of my specialties is helping you identify that differentiation and then implementing it in your market.


By Dick Wagner, Co-Founder The CREST Network, LLC                         

Nationally recognized coach, consultant, trainer, and speaker

Creator of the renowned PREP™ pre-disaster program

Owner of AskDickWagner.com BLOG